Great Commission Air
Sponsor One of These Students Today

David Andres Perez may be the first Mayan medical school student when he graduates in 2019. David comes from a poor family in a tiny village. As he works as an intern, he keenly relates to his patients and their needs. Be a part of this life-giving critically important scholarship.

Nery Garcia Aguilar is a Jr. High Student and would be thrilled to have you as his sponsor.

Marina Garcia Ramirez is a first year high school student. This partial scholarship is $500/year. The school year runs January - December. Make your donation today and we will mail her sponsor packet to you. Click the link below.

Maria Candelaria Mendez Francisco is a 9th Grade student and would be happy to have you as her sponsor.

Sandra Ahilon Martin Segundo was adopted by friends after her parents abandoned her. Sponsor Sandra today and we'll put her photo and letter in the mail to you right away.
Sponsored Jr. High Students